Friday, April 08, 2005


A very nice colleague from the bookstore just sent me a missive, and at the end salutation, she wrote: have a wonder-filled day. Which is kind of dorky, and, in just the way that appeals to me, sweet.

So I begin thinking, has my day been filled with any wonders? And indeed it has.

Today's wonders (in no particular order)

  • -straight hair
  • -sunshine
  • -buds on some trees, others bursting
  • -cherry blossom photographs from an old friend
  • -the nice woman was at the salon this morning, not the mean one
  • -thinking about novel again
  • -thinking about poems again
  • -new summer job pays $10 an hour (is this a lot?)
  • -heels aren't hurting, despite the fact they are cheap
  • -faculty happy hour, sponsored by Psychology
  • -movie with friends tonight
  • -lunch conversation with the bicyclist today
  • -spellcheck tried to replace dorky with doric
  • -pants are green, green, green

Up next: tomorrow.