Monday, April 24, 2006

out in the world

Today is the application deadline for the summer writing workshop I teach. If you're a high school poet, I'd love to meet you. Send any questions to awfullyseriousATyahooDOTcom. That being me.

You can now pre-order the anthology Literary Cash: Writings Inspired by the Legendary Johnny Cash. I have an essay in there about "Ring of Fire" which I fear my mother is going to read.

I also have a poem out in the new issue of Private, an Italian photography magazine, though the poem is in English. My first Italian photography magazine! It's stunning and scary, the magazine, a special issue on night. The poem was prompted by Judith Butler, of all things, and you can find the magazine in the States here. Albert, are you still there in Italy? Are you on a boat somewhere, you and your poems?

Me and my poems are up early this morning, hoping the sun will come out, resigned if it won't to make more.