Thursday, April 13, 2006



Wallet, keys, cell phone you forgot to charge
Pens (black and blue, leaky)
Lipstick (shade: hipster)
Sweater with brown flowers
Umbrella with broken handle

Cohorts' poems with handwritten critiques and smiley faces
12 copies of your poem about dead deer
12 copies of your backup poem about canary

Edna St. Vincent Millay book
Brian Turner book
Reznikoff book
Black composition notebook, pages water-logged from tea spill

Pomegranate juice
Tomato soup
Squashed orange
Headache medicine for Wednesday headache

Poems to read aloud in recording studio
Story (funny?) to tell about the ant infestation in your living room
Friends to pick you up and drive you there and make you laugh
Nerve to read poems aloud in recording studio

Bangles song stuck in your head
Memory of your father telling you about the Bangles
(you'd like 'em; they're girls)
Memory of your father sending you Laura Nyro's obituary
(she reminds me of you)
Memory of your father sending you Michelle Branch's picture
(I thought it was you)
Wonder at why your father wanted you to be a singer

Courage to ask the recording engineer: Can you rent this out?
His answer:You can't rent it, but you can have it.

Thought of having it
Full moon above the neighbor's house
