Monday, October 30, 2006

looking for work

I am looking for a teaching position in the New York area. I have four years of full-time university teaching experience, including visiting assistant professorships at both a small liberal arts college and a larger state university. I have one year of full-time high school teaching (9-12, Special Ed), and I have five years teaching experience at a pre-college creative writing workshop, where I return in the summer. I have taught creative writing, poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, playwriting, screenwriting, British Lit, American Lit, English Composition, and Drama.

Vita, references, sample student work, student and department evaluations, transcripts, etc. are available upon request.

Please contact me if you know of any job openings in New York, or have a suggestion of a school or university I might try. I would love to teach again at either a small liberal arts college or at a private high school, but I am open to all experiences. I love teaching special education. I love teaching teenagers, and I’m also looking for volunteer opportunities until I can find a job.
