Monday, April 23, 2007

A very brief surface to mention an event tonight hosted by my husband. I’m especially excited about this event because my old friend Thomas Sayers Ellis is reading.

Tom and I met when I was twenty-two and we were about to give a gigantic reading together. The auditorium was full. There was a fancy dinner. I had just thrown up in the bathroom.

Then I met Tom; he was genuine and just as nervous as I was. Over the years, he’s been loyal, unflinching, and real, and his work is just soaring. I’m sure he will shine, and all the other performers will too.

Poetry reading by:
Thomas Sayers Ellis
Cathy Park Hong

Music by:
Franklin Bruno

Hosted by:
Jordan Davis

TONIGHT 6:30pm
The Million Poems Show
Bowery Poetry Club
308 Bowery NYC
Houston & Bleecker)