I am feeling much better about my impending trip of doom, having arranged transportation at least. Come and see me, why don't you?
Thursday 3/31
Vancouver Public Library
NEW MICHIGAN PRESS/DIAGRAM authors reading from 7-8:00pm--Jason Bredle--Simone Muench--Kristy Odelius--Emma Ramey--Alison Stine--Molly Tenenbaum
DEL SOL PRESS authors reading from 8:00-10pm--Austin Hummell reading from POPPY--Thomas E. Kennedy reading from THE LITERARY TRAVELER--Michael Neff reading from one of the DSP titles--Matt Vadnais reading from ALL I CAN TRULY DELIVER
If you are attending the beastly AWP conference, I will also be at times girling the New Michigan Press/DIAGRAM booth at the bookfair. You can also visit my book at the Kent State University Press booth (take one home, why don't you; they make excellent pets).
Come say hi to me or the book. Note: she may be thinner, but I buy rounds.