Magi-like, we shopped twice by accident. He bought roast beef. I bought turkey. Double cranberries, double yams. Unexpectedly, we’re cooking dinner for three. Or maybe four or five or six.
I am discovering you do get what you want, everything you want, but how it happens, when it happens, is unexpected. You have to trust. You have to leap. That’s the magic--believing.
My life has changed one hundred percent: the side of the country I live on, the people I love and live with, what I believe is important-—all changed.
If I were to make a list, I would list my friends and teachers who have not left even though I literally did and to whom I owe many letters, the old friends in the city, kind strangers, the library, the lights, writing fiction and reading it, my old family, my new family, my own family, faithfulness, seasons, marzipan, time. Most of all, I am grateful for the decision we made together in private some time ago, and in writing not too long ago, a decision that we go on making and working on and affirming every single day, and will for the rest of our lives.
So thank you piano and hallway, mutual friend, red wine, Delta Airlines, city hall, patience, trust, and love. I am thankful for you, unexpected and right and true.