The wonderful Sarah Green alerted me, and then there it was in the mail: the new issue of Passages North. I’m one of the featured writers in the Winter/Spring 2007 issue, and they were kind enough to print four of my poems. My poems range in age from ten years old to less than ten months. I’ll leave it to you to guess.
Passages North is pastel. The editors are kind, and you can find it here.
The website has not been updated yet, but I suspect it will be shortly.
An old poem of mine has also been given a life in print thanks to Sou’wester with a stunning blue cover. You can read the poem online here.
News coming in the next few days regarding my essays...
But it pales in comparison to the news the six year-old in my care gave me, walking home amid sleet and puddles and backpacks and boots and a cardboard bridge. He squeezed my hand and pronounced officially, I think you make the best lunches EVER!